I'm not an ordinary grandma. I am a grandmother who bikes, runs, skis, travels... and loves her little ones. Three sons, four grandchildren (for now😉). A single joy and pride! And after working as a doctor for 40 years, I finally got to retire.Some people find it horrible, I don't. My work was full of joy, victories, but also defeats. I enjoyed every moment of working with patients and students. Now it's time for me. I believe that I will have enough time to do everything I want. Traveling has been my great desire until now. Traveling enriches and expands the horizons of knowledge and insights. I have already traveled to all the continents of the world and I still want to. I have plans and I would like to share my experiences and thoughts with you.
As Rumi said
It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
Nisem običajna babi. Sem babi ki kolesari, teče, smuča, potuje... in obožuje svoje srčke. Trije sinovi, štirje vnuki ( zaenkrat😉). Eno samo veselje in ponos! In 40 let dela kot zdravnica. Končno sem dočakala upokojitev. Nekaterim je to grozno, meni ni. Bilo je polno veselja do dela, zmag, pa tudi porazov. Uživala sem vsak trenutek dela z bolniki, s študenti. Sedaj je napočil čas še zame. Verjamem, da ga bo dovolj, da bom naredila vse tisto, kar si želim. Potovanja so bila że do sedaj moja velika želja. Potovanje bogati, širi obzorja znanj in spoznanj. Potovala sem že po vseh celinah sveta in še si želim. Načrti so, se oblikujejo. Svoja doživetja, razmišljanja bi rada delila z vami.
Kot je dejal Rumi
It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.